Sunday, October 26, 2014

"In the Service of What?" by Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer


I think that Service Learning is very important and I am pleased that there are so many advocates of Service Learning. In the beginning of the article a very important statement is made and that is the statement about the true goal of Service Learning. It talks about the goals to find a common ground between Democratic and Republican parties. The main point of Service Learning is to get people involved in the community and more aware of their surroundings and what they can do to help! My favorite quote was when Mr. Johnson said "...learning while using the community as a classroom". That is such a great way to look at it and that is how it should be looked at. If children work with others that are less fortunate than they are, it opens their eyes to the world and shows them that not everyone has the same privileges that they have!

I made a connection to Ms. Adams story right away. In one of my other classes we talk about children in poverty and we recently watched a documentary on America's homeless children. Watching that documentary made me want to reach out to the homeless, so reading about what Ms. Adams and her class did made me very happy. As the article says the project stresses the importance of compassion. As I was reading this part of the article I kept thinking back to the documentary I watched and if those families had the community reach out to them it could have helped them a great deal! Especially the children of these families, they were born into that life, they are helpless in the situation of homelessness, so I feel that it would be very important to reach out to those homeless children. 

When it comes to the difference between Mr. Johnson and Ms. Adams approach to Service Learning, I personally like Ms. Adams approach a little bit more. I think it is very smart for the students to get educated. By the students gaining all of this background information on homelessness I think it makes it a lot easier for them to empathize and understand the Service Learning! I think if children are given the opportunity to do Service Learning they will be more likely to volunteer and help in their community! I think by having children participate in Service Learning we are improving our schools, students and communities.

Comments: I think that schools should require Service Learning for students. When I was in high school I volunteered in a soup kitchen for community service. My friend that had done it before told me that the people were very mean, so at first I was a little nervous for it. But when I did it the people didn't seem mean at all. Some of them kept to themselves, but that didn't mean they were mean. I think if my friend had a background on homelessness she might have known some homeless don't like having to get food at shelters, so they may come off as abrasive or unappreciative when in reality they are very appreciative.

About a family that was facing getting split up, started living in a van and now live in a motel. People should be educated and aware that this happens to people and families everyday. 

I chose this cartoon to give a glimpse of some of the ignorance today's children face. They are growing up in such a disconnect world with so much technology and distractions I feel that it is extra important to get them into Service Learning and connected to the community!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

"Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us" by Linda Christensen


In this article Christensen argues that cartoons and the media play a major role in teaching children how to act, live and dream. 

This article has a big impact because Christensen uses students to show a true understanding of the subject matters that are discussed. In the beginning of the article he uses a students actual writing sample to show her frustration. She didn't want to believe that her thoughts and views had been molded by the media and other influences. I think it was important to use this example. But even this student realizes it is something she needs to acknowledge. She referred to these cartoons and other influences "secret education". Her main goal was to make her students really listen and watch cartoons and make notes of certain influences. She specifically states in the end of the article "I look for opportunities for students to act on their knowledge." And by giving them assignments that make them think about what they are seeing and hearing they really can act on their knowledge. If they continuously know how to identify specific signs in media. She would really have her students break it down and it was a great way for them to get a deep understanding. 

Comments: I think Christensen gave great examples of cartoons like "Looney Tunes" and others that would portray stereotypes. I think Christensen's students were able to get deep insight on what they had been exposed to for their entire lives. I was also very happy to hear that his students enjoyed sharing with the world the effect that the cartoons and media can have on children. It also makes me think of how media has influenced my life. I own UGGs and a Northface, but when I was purchasing these items, not once did i think to myself "I'm buying this because I have been influenced to buy it" but thinking about it, that's just what it is, people don't normally know that they are being influenced even when they clearly are!

These are 19 inappropriate messages that were in the shows I would watch as a kid, not that they influenced me, but it goes to show how many things are in the media that we might not even notice.

Great picture to depict how the medias feeds us ideas and I notice that the guy in the chair looks unhappy and just not alive! I think sometimes the media can make us somewhat zombie-like. Sometimes changing who we are as an individual.

"Speaking the unspeakable in forbidden places: addressing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality in the primary school" by Alexandra Allan


This article raises some great point about addressing LGBT education at an early age in the schools. The introduction starts off with the production of school as a heterosexual place and that is a very important statement to consider. To clarify that statement about the schools the article states "... a place where childhood is both nurtured and sheltered, and attempts to address what are seen as 'adult' issues are sometimes seen as intrusions into or threats to this safety zone." Our society had become so accustom to hiding what might make people "different" from the norm. I think many people are afraid if this subject is introduced at an early age maybe their children will become gay. It is a somewhat ridiculous thought but I think people and especially parents are afraid of the change. Society looks at childhood as a time of innocence and there are some thoughts that introducing this material may be too adult for them. When in reality introducing this subject matter to them at this young age might make them more accepting of others!

I think that the No Outsiders program is a great idea that they have been putting in place in some schools. Laura, a lesbian elementary school teacher, seemed very nervous about introducing the idea of a woman with another woman. Her students seemed to understand the concept of a man with another man, but how would they react to this? After reading about a prince with another prince " Laura observed that most pupils did not react negatively to the outcome, although mention of lesbians evoked laughter and cries of 'yuk'." There are positive and negative aspects about this quote. The positive is that children seem to be more increasingly accepting of the thought of a man with another man. The downside is that there still seems to be hesitation by students when it comes to a woman with another woman. But I think by being introduced to role models that are lesbians such as their teacher, they will quickly become accepting and have a better understanding of lesbians as well as gays. I think Laura sets a great example for her students!

Towards the end of the article Kate talks to the class about certain words that could be offensive to. It is not uncommon, even today, to hear someone use the term 'gay' with a negative connotation. People will use it as an insult to someone that isn't even gay. So are we implying that being gay is bad if we are using it as an insult? I sure think so, which is why I think it is very important to inform children that it is not okay to say that! This teacher talked with her students "asking the class how she might feel if she were called gay, informing the children that she was gay" This was a very important step for the teacher and her students.

Comments: I think that this was a great article! I think that the No Outsiders project is a great way to introduce LGBT into the classroom. Books are a great way to introduce new subjects to children. In the beginning of the article I wasn't surprised to read that Laura's co-worker, who is also a Jehovah's witness, hid the books behind shelves. I think that is reprehensible considering those books are to educate children. Even if her personal values were against it, I think the children still had a right to be educated on the subject!

About 11 Year Jazz who was born a boy but lives as a girl. She talks about being called a freak and how people treat her differently after they know. But despite how some people react i've never seen such a happy little girl! She's inspiring!